1. *JEREMIAH 31: 7- 14*
2. *EPHESIANS 1: 3- 14*
3. *JOHN 1: 1- 9, 18*
*"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the
light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have
the light of life."* _(John 8: 12)._
God has made it possible for us to see _2025, and it must
give us a heart to thank Him, knowing that, not all those we started 2024_ with
made it to this year.
Let us, in humility, observe a minute silent in remembrance
of those who couldn't survived to _2025_ - *May their souls find rest with
their Maker!*
Light always involves the removal of darkness, and it has so
many importance
* Light gives us security.
* Light removes fear, and gives confidence.
* Light helps us to see more clearer.
* Light helps our plants to grow.
* Light helps in our overall well-being.
Biblical light centered on God, who, at the beginning of
creation, spoke to the darkness that covered the surface of the world, and
light came into being - _(Genesis 1: 2)._
Both light and darkness are evocative, and darkness evokes
everything that is anti-God; the wicked, _(Prov. 2: 13),_ judgement, _(Exod.
10: 21),_ and death, _(Psalm 88: 12)._
However, light represents life, _(Psalm 56: 13),_ salvation, _(Isaiah 9: 2),_
commandments of God, _(Prov. 6: 23),_ goodness and the divine presence of God,
_(Exod. 10: 23)._
God in His redemptive plan, revealed Himself in Christ
Jesus, who declared, *"I am the light of the world."*_(John 9: 5)._
John the Baptist testified about Jesus Christ, as the light
that comes to the world - _(John 1: 7)._
The same Jesus Christ, was the Word from the beginning, so
He was the light that God spoke to dispel the darkness that covered the surface
of the earth at creation was Christ Jesus.
✓ Jesus Christ is the Light for a darkened world.
Light overcomes darkness,for the scriptures says; *"And
the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend
it."* _(John 1:5)._
The world is engulfed with sin, wickedness and needs a light
that can drive away such darkness.
Martin Luther Jr. once said, *"Darkness cannot drive
out darkness. Only light can do that."*
Jesus Christ is the only light that can shine over the
world, to bring total brightness that will shine in the hearts of those who
believe Him.
Prophet Isaiah saw the revelation about the Christ before
His birth when he said; *"The people who walked in darkness have seen a
great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a
light has shined."* _(Isaiah 9: 2)._
*As the sun is necessary to the solar system, so is Christ
is to this dark,sin-filled world.*
✓ Jesus is the Light that saves.
Christ Jesus saves us from our own darkness of sin when we
believe in Him.
He bids us to follow Him, and obeying this, He saves us from
the darkened world with it's wicked activities.
*Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, who reveals the presence
of God, the provisions of God, and the salvation of God.*
He is the Living Water, and He is the life-giving Light.
✓ Jesus Christ is the Victorious Light.
Light always conquers darkness, and Christ Jesus always
overcome the forces of darkness.
Jesus Christ, who is the Victorious Light, gives those who
believe Him the power to overcome darkness, making every believer, victorious
over Satan and everything that darkness represent..
*The victory that believers have is because of the Light
that dwells in our hearts.*
You are therefore an overcomer if you are in Christ Jesus.
* You are victorious over that marital challenges.
* You are victorious over that disappointments.
* Declare victory over the chronic disease.
* You are victorious over that financial problems.
* You are victorious over that challenges confronting your
* You are an overcomer over that nightmare.
✓ Jesus Christ is the pure light.
"The Light of the world" - Jesus Christ was
exposed to sin, but was never contaminated by sin, He touched sinners, by sin
never touched Him, He was undefiled.
*Jesus Christ was in the world, but not of the world.*
_(John 1: 10)._
The Word became flesh and lived amongst humans, but His
purity made Him lived a sinless and holy life among humans.
* Humans found no fault in Him.
* Kings, Pharisees, Scribes and teachers of the Law found no
fault with Him.
* His purity made sin flee from His presence, and sinners
knelt before Him.
* His purity drove away demons and set captives free.
✓ Jesus Christ is the vital Light.
Light and life are interwoven, and cannot be sperated.
Natural light gives plants photosynthesis to produce their
The light Jesus give us eternal life, and life to produce
fruit of the Spirit.
_John 1: 4_ says;
*"In Him is life, and the life was the light of men."*
Without Jesus Christ, there is no life.
* You are dead without Jesus in your life.
* Your home is dead if Jesus is not the head of the home.
* Your business and work are dead without Christ Jesus.
* There is no life in your marriage if Christ is not the
owner of the marriage.
Jesus Christ is the Light of salvation and Life for
believers, and responding to this ushered Christians into a life in which
darkness is dispelled.
Salvation in Christ brings light to those in darkness -
_(Psalm 27: 1, Matt. 4: 15, 16)._
Jesus said those who believe and follow Him *"Will
never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life* " _(John 1: 9)._
Believers are sons
_(and daughters)_ of light - _(John 12: 36, 1Thess. 5: 5),_ and we are
to emit the light we have in Christ Jesus.
With the light of Christ in us, we are to;
* Lead many to the Light by our new life we have in Christ
* We are to put away the fruits of the flesh - _(Gal. 5: 19-
* We are to bear
responsibility as missionaries of Christ, to be lights in the dark world -
_(Phil. 2: 15)._
* We are to let the light lead us in all our ways - _(Psalm
119: 105)._
* We are to remain in the Light, not allowing the worries of
this life to separate us from the love of God - _(Rom. 8: 38, 39)._
We live in a dark world full of atrocities, and the light we
have in Christ Jesus enables us to ride over these atrocities.
Praise God for the changeless, pure and eternal light of
Jesus Christ.
Be assured that no matter how cold or dark your world may
seem, it can be brought back to light and life when the glorious light of the
Son of God, Jesus Christ, shines into your heart.
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