Thursday, 21 November 2024


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1st Bible Reading: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14, 

2nd Bible Reading: Revelation 1:4-8, and 

3rd Bible Reading: John 18:33-37


Faithfulness is a virtue that lies at the heart of the Christian life. From the trials of the Old Testament prophets to the fulfillment of God’s promises in the New Testament, the Scriptures emphasize the importance of remaining steadfast, even in the face of challenges. Our theme, Be Faithful to the End, calls us to reflect on God’s sovereignty, Christ’s eternal kingship, and our call to loyalty amidst the uncertainties of life.

Drawing from Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14, Revelation 1:4-8, and John 18:33-37, we will explore three key truths: the eternal reign of God, the example of Jesus Christ’s faithfulness, and the call for believers to persevere until the end.
1. God’s Eternal Sovereignty: A Vision of the Faithful Judge
Text: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14

The prophet Daniel’s vision unveils a courtroom scene where the Ancient of Days sits in judgment. This imagery reminds us of God’s ultimate authority over the universe. His throne is ablaze with fire, symbolizing His holiness and justice.

Faithfulness Rooted in God's Sovereignty
God’s sovereignty is the foundation of our faithfulness. No matter how chaotic the world may seem, His purposes remain unshaken. Daniel’s vision assures us that all kingdoms, powers, and authorities will eventually bow before the eternal reign of Christ.
“His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed” (Daniel 7:14, NIV).

Application: In times of trial, remember that our faithfulness is anchored in the unchanging nature of God. As the Ancient of Days, He sees every injustice, hears every cry, and will judge righteously.
2. Jesus Christ: The Faithful King and Witness
Text: Revelation 1:4-8 and John 18:33-37
In Revelation, Jesus is described as “the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth” (Revelation 1:5, NIV). His faithfulness is demonstrated through His obedience to the Father, even unto death.

The Example of Christ
Standing before Pilate in John 18:33-37, Jesus boldly declares His identity as King, affirming that His kingdom is not of this world. Despite the impending suffering, He remains faithful to His mission.
“For this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth” (John 18:37, NIV).

Faithfulness in Our Witness
Jesus models unwavering faithfulness in the face of persecution. As His followers, we are called to testify to the truth of His gospel, regardless of the opposition we may face.

Application: Are you willing to remain faithful in proclaiming Christ’s truth, even when it costs you? Remember, our faithfulness mirrors Christ’s, who endured the cross for our salvation (Hebrews 12:2).
3. The Call to Persevere: Faithfulness Until the End
Supporting Text: Matthew 24:12-13
Jesus warns that in the last days, “the love of many will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:12-13, NIV). Faithfulness is not a momentary decision but a lifelong commitment.

The Assurance of Christ’s Return
Revelation 1:7 reminds us of the certainty of Christ’s return: “Look, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him.” This hope should inspire us to remain steadfast, knowing that our faithfulness will be rewarded.

Practical Faithfulness
Faithfulness involves daily surrender, obedience, and trust in God. It is reflected in our prayer life, service to others, and unwavering commitment to God’s Word.

Application: Faithfulness is tested in the ordinary moments of life. Will you choose to honor God in your relationships, work, and decisions? The small acts of faithfulness prepare us for the larger challenges ahead.
To be faithful to the end is to trust in God’s sovereignty, follow Christ’s example, and persevere in hope. Like Daniel, we look forward to the eternal kingdom of Christ. Like John, we declare Him as the faithful witness and coming King. And like Jesus, we testify to the truth, even when the world opposes us.

As Paul writes in 2 Timothy 4:7-8:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day.”

May we, too, finish the race with faithfulness. For in Christ, we have the assurance that our labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Call to Action

Let us recommit ourselves to faithfulness, knowing that the Ancient of Days is our judge, Christ is our example, and the Holy Spirit is our strength.


Lord, help us to remain faithful until the end. Strengthen us to trust Your sovereignty, follow Christ’s example, and persevere in every season. May we stand firm, knowing that our faithfulness glorifies You and brings us into Your eternal kingdom. Amen.
Apostle Creed

Saturday, 16 November 2024


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Sermonette on 17 November 2024AD

Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Living Bread Congregation-Tantra Hill



Daniel 12:1-3, Hebrews 10:11-25, and Mark 13:1-8



The theme for our reflection is "Readiness for the Lord's Coming." The Bible consistently emphasizes the reality of Christ's return and the call for believers to live in anticipation of that great day. The question we are faced with is this: *Are we ready?* Our Scripture passages today, Daniel 12:1-3, Hebrews 10:11-25, and Mark 13:1-8, invite us to explore what it means to be prepared for the Lord’s return, how we should live in light of this truth, and how these ancient words still speak to us in our 21st-century context.




Daniel 12:1-3 paints a picture of a time of great distress, one unlike any the world has seen before. The prophet Daniel speaks of a period of turmoil and suffering, yet he also provides a word of hope: "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise." Despite the coming trials, those whose names are found in the book of life will be delivered. In this passage, we also see the promise of resurrection some to everlasting life, others to shame.


This ancient prophecy has a modern-day relevance. We live in a world where natural disasters, wars, and political unrest are ever-present realities. In the 21st century, believers are not exempt from the pressures of a turbulent world. Yet, the call remains for us to stand firm, knowing that God’s deliverance is certain. Readiness for the Lord’s coming involves cultivating a life of perseverance and hope, even in the midst of trials. Our faith should not be shaken by the turmoil around us but should deepen as we anticipate the fulfillment of God’s promises.




In Hebrews 10:11-25, the writer emphasizes the finality and sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice. Unlike the repeated offerings of the Old Testament priests, Jesus' sacrifice was once and for all. This assurance is meant to embolden us as we "draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings" (v. 22). The passage encourages us to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess because "He who promised is faithful."


One of the key instructions in this passage is to encourage one another "not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (v. 25). In a 21st-century context, with the rise of individualism and the challenges brought by technology, we might be tempted to isolate ourselves or treat faith as a private affair. However, readiness for the Lord’s coming involves intentional community and mutual encouragement. We need each other to stay strong in faith, to remind one another of the hope we have in Christ, and to live out our faith through acts of love and service.

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In Mark 13:1-8, Jesus speaks of the signs of the end times wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and famines. He warns the disciples not to be alarmed or misled by these events, for they are only the beginning of birth pains. The key takeaway from this passage is vigilance and discernment. Jesus calls His followers to be alert, to understand the times, and to remain steadfast.


In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with information, predictions, and theories about the end times. News cycles, social media, and sensational reports can easily create anxiety and confusion. But readiness for the Lord’s coming calls for a different response. Instead of being overwhelmed or fearful, we are called to stay rooted in God’s Word, discerning the truth amidst the noise. Jesus’ instructions are clear: do not be deceived, and do not be afraid. This kind of spiritual vigilance is crucial for the 21st-century believer who faces many distractions and competing narratives.





1. STAY GROUNDED IN SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER: In a world filled with uncertainty, our anchor is God’s unchanging Word. Spend time daily in Scripture and in prayer, seeking to understand God's will and preparing your heart for His return. This spiritual discipline is the foundation of readiness.


2. LIVE A LIFE OF HOLINESS AND INTEGRITY: Readiness for the Lord's coming means living a life that honors Him. Our choices, actions, and words should reflect the character of Christ. We are called to be "the light of the world" in our workplaces, schools, and communities.


3. ENGAGE IN COMMUNITY: Encourage and be encouraged by fellow believers. Do not neglect gathering together for worship, Bible study, and fellowship. The Church is the body of Christ, and we grow stronger in faith when we support each other. In the 21st century, this might also mean making the most of technology to stay connected and uplift one another in times when physical gatherings are not possible.


4. SHARE THE GOSPEL BOLDLY: The reality of Christ’s return should inspire us to share the hope of the Gospel with urgency. In a society where many are searching for answers in all the wrong places, let us point them to the One who holds the future. Whether through personal conversations, social media, or involvement in community outreach, be a witness to the hope found in Jesus.


5. DEVELOP A DISCERNING HEART: Equip yourself to discern the times. Not every event or crisis is an indication of the end, but every moment is an opportunity to grow closer to God. Let your discernment be guided by Scripture, not sensationalism. Keep your eyes on Jesus and be vigilant in prayer, always asking for wisdom and understanding.


6. CULTIVATE A SPIRIT OF READINESS AND EXPECTANCY: Live each day as if the Lord’s return could be today. This doesn’t mean neglecting your daily responsibilities, but it does mean living with purpose, urgency, and anticipation. Allow the hope of Christ’s return to shape your decisions and priorities.

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Readiness for the Lord’s coming is not just about waiting; it’s about living actively and purposefully. Daniel’s prophecy of perseverance, the exhortation to communal faithfulness in Hebrews, and Jesus’ call to vigilance in Mark all remind us that readiness involves a steadfast faith, a hopeful community, and a discerning spirit. In the 21st century, let us be people who embody these truths, standing firm amidst challenges, encouraging one another, and remaining alert to the signs of God’s work around us. May we live each day with the expectation of His return, fully prepared and fully surrendered to His will.


Let's Pray 



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Saturday, 9 November 2024


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Our theme for reflection today is "Generosity." When we think about generosity, we often think of giving something valuable our time, resources, or love. But true generosity goes deeper than the act of giving itself. It’s an attitude of the heart a willingness to give, even sacrificially, trusting that God will provide.

Through our readings today, we’ll encounter different expressions of generosity: a widow who shares her last meal, Jesus who gives Himself for us, and another widow who, despite her poverty, offers all she has. Each story challenges us to examine our own hearts and to see giving as an act of trust, love, and faith in God. As it’s often said, "It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into the giving." Generosity is the readiness of a heart to give freely, not under compulsion but with faith in God’s provision.

Generosity as Trust

In 1 Kings 17, we meet the widow of Zarephath, a woman at the end of her resources. She is preparing a final meal for herself and her son, fully expecting it to be their last. Then Elijah, the prophet, makes an incredible request: he asks her to give him the little she has left.

Imagine her dilemma! She had every reason to hold on to her last meal for herself and her child. But instead, she chose to trust God and the word of the prophet. She gave generously, and God responded by providing for her: “The jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry” (1 Kings 17:16).

This widow’s trust in God formed the foundation of her generosity. True generosity isn’t always about giving from our surplus. Often, it’s about trusting that God will sustain us, even when we give from what we feel is little. Generosity is an act of faith—it means stepping into the unknown, letting go of our fears, and trusting in God’s faithfulness. Are you generous because you trust in God?

Generosity as Sacrifice

Our reading from Hebrews reveals a different kind of generosity. Jesus’ life and ministry are the ultimate model of sacrificial giving. The writer describes Jesus as our High Priest, who didn’t merely bring an offering—He *became* the offering. Jesus gave not from abundance, but from His very life. He went to the cross to redeem us, offering Himself once and for all.

This is sacrificial generosity: giving that costs something. Jesus’ gift of Himself was more than symbolic; it was life-giving. His sacrifice brings us freedom, forgiveness, and access to God. This teaches us that true giving can be costly. Yet, at that cost, it brings life, redemption, and transformation.

Jesus’ sacrifice also reminds us of the reason behind our giving. We don’t give to earn favor or approval. We give out of gratitude for what God has already done for us through Christ. Jesus gave His life freely for us, and from that place of love and gratitude, we too are called to live generously.

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Generosity as Surrender

Finally, in Mark, we see another powerful act of generosity by a poor widow. As Jesus watched people giving to the temple treasury, many wealthy people contributed large sums, which surely impressed those around them. But Jesus noticed the widow who offered just two small coins—“all she had to live on” (Mark 12:44). In Jesus’ eyes, her gift was greater than all the others combined.

Why? Because her giving wasn’t about the amount; it was about her heart. Her offering wasn’t just sacrificial—it was a surrender. She gave everything, trusting entirely in God’s provision. Unlike those who gave from their abundance, she gave out of her poverty. Her heart was fully surrendered to God, trusting Him to care for her needs.

This story reminds us that true generosity isn’t measured by the amount we give, but by the surrender of our hearts. Sometimes, we may feel that our contributions—whether time, talent, or resources are too small to make a difference. But God looks at the heart. He honors gifts that come from a place of trust, humility, and surrender.

Living Out a Generous Life Today

These stories illustrate that true generosity is not about the what of giving, but the how and why. It’s about trusting God to provide, even when we feel we have little; it’s about being willing to sacrifice, even when it’s costly; and it’s about fully surrendering our hearts to God.

So, how can we live out this kind of generosity in our lives today?

1. Trust God with What You Have: Cultivate a Generous Heart

   - Like the widow of Zarephath, begin with what you have, even if it seems small. Offer it to God, trusting that He can multiply it. Small acts of kindness, a little time to listen, or a modest financial gift can become expressions of God’s love and provision.

2. Embrace Sacrifice as Part of Your Faith

   - Following Jesus means being willing to give sacrificially, even when it costs us (Matt. 8:20-22). This might mean letting go of our comfort, resources, or time. Sacrifice deepens our faith, and in God’s hands, it brings life and transformation to others.

3. Surrender Everything to God Generously

   - True generosity isn’t just an act; it’s a lifestyle of surrender. Like the widow with her two coins, offer your whole self to God. It’s about letting go of our need to control and choosing instead to trust fully in God’s goodness and provision.


Generosity is the overflow of a heart filled with gratitude, trust, and love for God. It declares, “God, I trust You. I believe that You will provide for me. I want to be a blessing to others, just as You have blessed me.”

Beloved, may these stories challenge and inspire us to live with open hands and open hearts. May we be generous people not just in what we give, but in how we give, trusting that God will take our offerings, multiply them, and use them to bring His love and life into the world. Amen.

Shalom aleikhem.

Saturday, 2 November 2024


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Scripture Readings:

Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Hebrews 9:11-14

Mark 12:28-34

As we gather today to reflect on our journey and look forward to the future of our church, we are reminded of the greatest commandments given to us: to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. These commands are not just instructions; they are the foundation for a vibrant, united church.
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In Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Moses charges Israel to keep God’s commandments close, passing them from generation to generation. In the same way, we are called to keep God’s love and truth central in our lives and to share these values in our families, our community, and especially here in our church. When we live out this love for God wholeheartedly, it becomes the anchor for our growth as a church.

In Mark 12:28-34, Jesus confirms that love for God and neighbor sums up all other commandments. As we engage in this Open Forum, let us keep these commandments at the heart of our discussion. Our love for one another should shape the way we build our future, encouraging us to listen respectfully, contribute thoughtfully, and work together for the healthy growth of our congregation.

Finally, in Hebrews 9:11-14, we are reminded that Christ’s sacrifice has cleansed us to serve the living God. This call to service is an opportunity to recommit ourselves as a church, purified by Christ, ready to make an impact not only in this generation but also in the years to come.

As we reflect and contribute today, let us remember

1. To love God fully – In all our plans, let our first priority be to honor and glorify God.

2. To love one another – Let our contributions and ideas come from a place of unity and care, remembering that we are stronger together.

3. To serve faithfully – God has empowered each of us with gifts and strengths. Let’s use them diligently, building up the church and setting an example for future generations.

Prayer Points:

1. Thanksgiving for the Past – Thank God for His faithfulness in our journey so far and the growth He has already granted.

2. Commitment to God’s Purpose – Pray for a heart devoted to loving and honoring God in all that we do as a congregation.

3. Unity in Vision – Ask God to give us a unified vision and wisdom as we work together for the church’s future.

4. Strength to Serve – Pray for strength and willingness to serve, that each member may contribute to the church’s healthy growth with joy and purpose.

5. Impact on Future Generations – Pray that our commitment today would bless future generations, strengthening our church for years to come.

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As we share today, let us hold fast to these commands, knowing that when we love God and one another, we lay a solid foundation for our future.



Apostle Creed